HAKU AUKI | OPEN CALL – Rail2Dance Tampereella, hakemus englanniksi!

the RAIL2DANCE workshops and journey

In the workshop, the Rail2Dance artists will share ideas on the development and creation of physical interventions in public spaces- those that can be observed by audiences and those that encourage participation or interaction.

The core team members have been mentored by Anthony Missen, the artistic director of Company Chameleon, who has an internationally recognized expertise in this field.


Monday 29.5. | Tampere

11.00-14.00 Sharing & workshop for local dance artists in Tampere
15.30-17.30 Performances in the city center (performances are also part of the Tanssivirtaa Tampereella Contemporary Dance Festival)

Tuesday 30.5 | Tampere

11.00-14.00 Sharing & workshop for local dance artists in Tampere
15.30-17.30 Performances in the city center

Thursday 1.6. | Travelling day

13.02 – 15.17 train from Tampere to Vaasa

Friday 2.6 | Vaasa

10.00-14.00 Sharing & workshop for local dance artists in Vaasa
16.00-17.30 Sharing & workshop for local dance community

Train back from Vaasa to Tampere


The working language is English.

The two artists will get a fee of 154,28 € per working day (3 days). In addition, the travel and accomodation costs plus per diems will be paid by the Rail2Dance-project.

Send your application which describes your motivation and a short bio by the 18th of April to anniina.kumpuniemi@tanssiteatterimd.fi. The selection of the two artists will be made on the 21st of April.

Contact person
Anniina Kumpuniemi
+358 50 551 3846

More information about Rail2Dance artists and the project

Antony Missen
Anthony Missen is a Clore Fellow, Without Walls Board Director, member of the Greater Manchester Culture Steering Group, Executive Member of Dance Consortia North-West, member of The UK Dance network, and part of the Manchester Cultural Leaders group. He is co-founder and co-Artistic Director of Company Chameleon.

He is a Choreographer, Movement Director, Accredited Coach, facilitator, and teacher.

His work tours all over the world and in many contexts- outdoors, stages, libraries, cruise ships amongst others. He has taught, choreographed, lectured and led residencies in countries including South Africa, Ethiopia, Israel, Trinidad, Morocco, Sweden, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Austria.

© Drago Videmsek

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