Nykäripassi – Dance Theatre MD’s series ticket for 2024

Nykäripassi (contemporary pass) is Dance Theatre MD’s series ticket with which you can see three performance in a combined price of 30 €.

There are only a limited number of passes for sale and they are sold only at Hällä stage ticket office. You can also reserve a pass for yourself in advance from liput@tanssiteatterimmd.fi. Hällä stage ticket office is open on weekdays from 12:00 to 16:00 at Hämeenkatu 25.

Three performances for thirty euros!

🎟️ FULL MOON EFFECT | choreographed by Joel Alalantela
A full moon heightens the senses, releases feminine power and brings us back together.
Performances: Sat 20.1. at 6pm | Sun 28.1. at 4pm | Sat 3.2. at 6pm | Wed 7.2. at 6pm.

🎟️ THE SOLO SERIES | curated by Samuli Emery
International triple bill of contemporary dance solos.
Only one performance: Fri 22.3. at 7pm.

🎟️ ALIVENESS | choreographed by Mari Rosendahl
A duet piece for two dancers breathes, gets out of breath and shapes itself again and again.
Demo performances: Tue 23.4. at 6pm | Wed 24.4. at 6pm | Thu 25.4. at 6pm.
Performances: Fri 8.11. at 6pm | Tue 12.11. at 6pm | Wed 13.11. at 6pm | Fri 15.11. at 6pm | Sat 16.11. at 6pm.

🎟️ AUTUMNS PREMIERE | A co-production with a nationally respected contemporary dance choreographer. The work will be published in January 2024.
Performances: Thu 29.8. at 6pm | Sat 31.8. at 6pm | Wed 4.9. at 6pm | Sat 7.9. at 6pm | Thu 21.11. at 6pm | Sat 23.11. at 6pm | Thu 28.11. at 6pm | Sat 30.11. at 6pm | Tue 3.12. at 6pm | Thu 5.12. at 6pm.

Although the name of the buyer is written in Nykäripassi, the pass is not personal. For example, you can lend your pass to a friend if you are unable to participate in a performance yourself or have already seen the performance. The pass can also be used to bring an avec or two to one performance.

We are happy to help you use the Nykärpassi with us.

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Ticket sale is closed 12.6.-26.7.2024

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Ticket sale is closed during 29.4.-1.5.

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Updates on Aliveness work-in-progress performances

Due to the performer’s accident, there have been changes to the Aliveness work-in-progress performances. Tuesday 23.4. a solo version will be seen from the performance SUPERHUMAN, on Wednesday 24.4. and Thursday 25.4. LA LIBERTAD! performance will bee seen. That means Wednesday’s BREATH-LESS performance  will be canceled completely. ⚡️ Tuesday 23.4. at 6 pm | SUPERHUMAN solo

© Tanssiteatteri MD 2024