KEKO, which can be seen on the steps of the Hällä theater, is an installation teeming with light, 5 dancers and 256 black blocks.

Courage. Play. Coordination. Now let’s dance on the stairs with blocks. Climbing and descending the stairs is a routine familiar to many. Dance Theater MD’s choreographer Samuli Roininen turns the stairs into a dance floor. Together with the working group they create a world inspired by movement, creative composition and play in the inclined space.



Structure, visuals, choreography: Samuli Roininen
Light design: Elina Nopanen
Performers and collaboration: Olivia Ketomäki, Inari Koivula, Vilja Lindholm, Viktoria Radin, Elea Susipolku

Costumes: Ella Kauppinen, Samuli Roininen
Implementation of costumes: Ella Kauppinen, Työhuone Hengari osk
Pictures: Mikko Vattulainen


The visual elements of the work are based of the performance Aavevieraat (Dance Theatre MD 2019, choreographer Samuli Roininen)

© Tanssiteatteri MD 2025